How Much PSI Do You Need to Run Air Tools


In terms of running an air tool, there are certain things which we should take into account. These things include CFM, PSI, power, HP and many more. All these terms are co-related to each other to run an air tool smoothly and without any hassle.

However, there are differences in the requirements of air tools. Some tools require more PSI, some don’t. As a guide, it is our job to make you get acquainted with these important terms related to PSI.

So, you don’t get fooled while buying one and you can run your workstation smoothly, without any sort of shortcomings.

  • A small compressor which has the ability to deliver 60-70 PSI will do for your little chores. It would be suitable if you have a smaller setting, and you have some household air tools like vacuum cleaner.

It will also be handy for small paint guns and you will have access to many other air works with various air tools.

  • You can use your tire inflators for bikes, cars and SUVs at home by using a compressor of 60 PSI. This will give you more than you need since inflating or deflating SUVs, bikes and car tires requires only 40-45 PSI.
  • For medium to semi-large air tools you will need a compressor which has more PSI level. For instance, impact wrenches (3/8”, ½” and 1”). Air tools like mini die grinder, impact wrench require PSI from 80-110, depending upon the variety of these tools.

Compressors like Central Pneumatic B00825GNWE, can serve you pretty well. It is a 12 volt, 100 PSI air compressor which is ideal for medium to semi-large operations.

  • Tools like chisels, ratchets, nibblers, screwdrivers, medium drillers and hammers require only 90-100 PSI. The aforementioned compressor can come in handy for in these circumstances.
  • For larger air tools like truck/lorry tire inflators, large jack hammers, drills, impact wrenches; you will need a bigger compressor. Such bigger compressor that can yield more than 110 PSI is perfect for heavy duty works.

These air tools require more PSI because they perform heavier works and for a longer period of time.

  • Compressors like HOUTBY B07FFR76L2 can help you out. It is a heavy-duty air compressor that can yield up to 140 PSI and is ideal for tire inflating. You can also get the heavy drilling and impact wrenches.
  • The bottom line is, you can never determine the PSI level on the basis of a single air tool. As we have mentioned it earlier that, each and every tool is unique in its own way. And for the reason, each of them has different requirements for the sake of their smooth service.
  • With that being said, we tried to give you a brief yet concrete idea about how the PSI thing works. PSI is essential in terms of running an air tool. There is no constant number for it.
  • If you have tools that don’t need more power or PSI, you buy a simple compressor that meets you needs. And if you’ve heavier tools, do the same; just buy a bigger one with the accurate PSI that your tool requires.

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